Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pain, pain, go away

It's been a little over 2 weeks since I was struck down with tendonitis in my left foot. Man, talk about a challenge! I thought my knee injury was bad, atleast with the knee I can carry on walking and attend yoga classes. Tendonitis on the other hand limits me to fewer activities like swimming and riding a stationery bike. I confess I've been slack carrying out these exercises this past week. Although, I am contemplating purchasing an exercise bike (as long as it doesn't aggravated my knee too much) like that I can continue training if the weather is crap or knock on wood, I injure myself again. Ohhh how I long to get back on the road again and walk amongst nature and hold a triangle pose.  Not long now... :)

On the other hand, the good news is my Xray ruled out a stress fracture. My physio will be happy to hear this next week.

My healing techniques for foot tendonitis is taping, physio, anti-inflammatories, wearing shoes with orthotics, acupuncture (this is quite painful and plenty of rest. Having worked from home for the past 2 days allowed me to rest my foot and I gotta say, this has worked wonders for the healing process. Boni thank you for the tip. Today I noticed how much better my foot feels, still a little tender though.

It's weird trying to walk normal again, as the past 2 weeks I've been walking around with a limp. I'm trying to distribute the weight evenly but this in itself is a tough feat as I'm concerned the pain I felt several days ago will return. 

Like the camino, one step at a time...

Lessons learnt: Do not rush or push myself too hard in training. Stretch before and after sessions. I really want to accomplish this walk injury free!


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