Sunday, January 1, 2012

When it rains, it pours

When you exercise excessively and over a short period of time injuries are bound to happen. Yep, that's what happened to me this week.

With the excitement of booking my flights and finally entering the 'Camino zone' my motivation skyrocketed (a little too much). I was out walking everyday and then suddenly, I was struck down with foot tendinopathy (tendinitous).. Boo hoo. As you can imagine my confidence was shattered.

On top of that, I also have a pre-existing knee injury (pattellofemoral pain syndrome) which flares up every now and again depending on certain (most) activities I participate in. Although, this week the knee is going great guns, thank God! 

Thankfully, there's a silverlining and his name is Brad McIntosh, my awesome physiotherapist (Sydney Sports and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy). Using his expertise he instructed me to work on my butt muscles, apparently they are very By working on this area it will help realign my knees and feet. He also taped my foot and knee (looking a bit like a mummy these days) and instructed me to wear orthotics. Have you seen how ugly most orthotic shoes are? lol... Alas, with a bit of research I came across a few nice enough pair of orthotic shoes and sandals. (If your interested in orthotic shoes, check out online the 'Orthotic shop' and 'Peter Sheppard'). He also instructed me to continue exercising, but not at full gusto. One day on, one day off. My homework before my next visit is to plan my training program for the next 8 months. Once I have finalised my program I'll upload it.

Since seeing Brad my foot is feeling better. As much as I wanted to head out for a walk today, I reframed from doing so, Brad you would be proud! Looking forward to heading out for a walk tomorrow though.

Lesson learnt: This new injury made me realise how much I want to do this walk and remember: piano, piano, arriviamo...

2012 New Year resolutions: Obtain a rock solid butt and build my inner quad muscles.  

Happy New Year everyone!

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